Artistic Dream Adventurers



We are a string orchestra to foster interdisciplinary collaboration among professionals in the creative industries. We organize concerts with a focus on innovativeness and holistic experiences.



At the heart of our operation is bringing music to people through concerts.

Our aim is not only to offer traditional concert programs but also to create unique, multi-sensory experiences by collaborating with professionals from various creative fields.

Creative work is a sustainable resource, and we aim to make its well-being-enhancing effects accessible to everyone.


Open rehearsals at Art House Turku, 17th of August 2023. (Anna-Mari Autere, violin, Katriina Rain, violin, Tuuli Laurikainen, viola, Katariina Kolehmainen, cello)



The joy of ensemble playing unites our musicians, presenting music from various stylistic periods of classical music and breaking genre boundaries.

We're building a multidisciplinary network alongside the orchestra, comprising skilled professionals from the creative industries.

Our goal is to create innovative concert experiences through collaboration, with a touch of something new.